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ISO 27001
We are proud to announce that AssureSoft has been awarded the ISO 27001 certification, recognizing our commitment to maintaining the highest information security standards in our software development services. This certification is a testament to our dedication to safeguarding our clients' data and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of their information.
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AssureSoft is the place where engineering and innovation come together to achieve large scale results.

In August, the company gave an informational talk to students in their last semesters at the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz (UPSA). The objective of the meeting was to inform them about job opportunities in the field of technology. The presentations were given by AssureSoft's engineers.


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With the objectives of attracting new talent and making the opportunities in the labor market known, AssureSoft organized a virtual meeting at a national level for graduates and those who are in their last semesters of technology-related careers. 
The event took place last Monday, July 5. The agenda included a presentation of the company and a talk given by the engineers about the Salud Cochabamba platform, which was created by a team of AssureSoft engineers.  

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